A cron job is an automated task, that performs a certain action - generally executing a script in the hosting account. The task is scheduled, therefore it will run on a regular basis - hourly, daily, weekly and so on. There are many reasons to use a cron job for your sites. For instance, you can get day-to-day reports how many site visitors have signed up on your website, some temp folder can be emptied automatically each week or a backup of the content may be made in a different folder in your hosting account. Using cron jobs will help you with the management of your websites since you are able to have lots of things carried out automatically and have reports about them, in lieu of investing valuable time and efforts to do them manually.

Cron Jobs in Website Hosting

Our easy to use Hepsia Hosting Control Panel will help you to create cron jobs with ease. If you do not have prior knowledge about such things, you will find a really intuitive interface where one can plan the execution of your cron, selecting one or several time frame possibilities - minutes, hours, days, months, or particular weekdays. The one thing that you have to fill manually is the specific task to be run, which includes the path for PHP, Perl and Python scripts as well as the path to the actual file that is to be executed. More experienced users may also make use of the Advanced mode of the instrument and enter manually the execution period with numbers and asterisks. If you want more crons than your website hosting package lets you have, you'll be able to upgrade this characteristic in batches of five with just a couple of clicks.