Data Backups

Ever lost your web site content? Make use of our data backup service

Once published on the World Wide Web, your web site content is generally susceptible to cyber–thieves assaults. Alternatively, it could be affected even by your own unintentional actions. If you turn to us, there is nothing to worry about, since we always have a backup of your web site content, which can retrieved at any time. Additionally, you will be able to create manual back–up copies of your entire site with a single mouse click through your File Manager, which is integrated into the Website Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all of your web site files and will merge them into a ZIP file, which will be stored in your hosting account.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

All the useful website management tools that you may need in a single location

Manage your websites with a single click taking advantage of the custom point ’n’ click Website Control Panel. It is fitted out with a drag ’n’ drop File Manager, a versatile Domains Manager for all your domains (you can edit your WHOIS details and your name server records, lock/unlock and Whois Privacy Protect your domain names, specify custom DNS records, etcetera), a swift E Mail Manager (you can forward e–mails, order email spam protection, create auto–response messages, set up e–mail filters, order anti–spoofing protection, etcetera), a Database Manager for handling numerous MySQL/PgSQL databases, a comprehensive statistics user interface and many advanced tools.

Web Hosting Control Panel

True Cloud Platform

We’ve made use of the most recent cloud server technologies when building our own hosting system, which is insusceptible to unexpected performance disruptions and network outages. All of the services related to your site like DNSs, e–mails, databases, web applications, etcetera are taken care of by different physical servers to ensure that even if there is an overload issue, your site will still be working smoothly.

True Cloud Platform

VPN Access

Secure, private web site browsing

If you would like to stay truly anonymous while browsing the Internet, our company offers you an easy option. With any of our website hosting plans, you can obtain Virtual Private Network access. We will route all your inbound and outbound online traffic through one of our virtual private network data centers, making your electronic footmark untraceable. And you will get VPN access regardless of what web–connected gadget you are using.

VPN Access

NVMe Drives

Quickly improve your web site’s speed

If you wish to give your site a performance boost, all you have to do is simply to host it with us. Our website hosting servers are equipped with NVMe disks, so on every server you’ll benefit from exceptional read ’n’ write speeds, which will make your site really fast.

With the superb online connectivity offered by each of our cloud web hosting Data Center Facilities, your site will begin to load faster without the need for any extra modifications from you.

NVMe Drives

Multiple Data Centers

Website hosting solutions on 3 continents

Our website hosting network expands across several continents – America (the Colohouse datacenter in Chicago, USA), Europe (UK Servers datacenter facility in Coventry, UK, the Ficolo underground data center in Pori, Finland and the S3 data center in Sofia, Bulgaria) and Australia (the Amaze datacenter facility in Sydney). This suggests that, no matter where you actually live, you’ll be able to pick out a data center that’s close to your target web site visitors. Thus, you’ll warrant the fastest possible website loading speeds for them. You’ll be able to choose your data center any time with a simple mouse click on the order page.

Multiple Data Centers