Improving your websites can be tough considering that you need to enhance your back–end code quite a lot so as to make your sites perform better. Nonetheless, you’ll be able to boost your web site’s effectiveness, without the need to transform anything in the backend. With the help of the Site Accelerator Tools, built into the Website Control Panel, you can help your websites come up and perform faster than before. This won’t merely reward your end users (everyone enjoys the site they are viewing to load quickly), but will in addition help your site climb higher in search engine listings.

Working with the Site Accelerator Tools is generally simple. Simply log into your Website Control Panel to find out how each web accelerator tool functions.


RAM–memorizing as an alternative to data base calls

When you’ve got a database–loaded site or web app, and if database queries often reduce the efficiency, this could be really aggravating to the website visitors as well as the web app users. Looking for a remedy can usually demand a considerable amount of time. Nonetheless, in the Obama Hosts Website Control Panel, you can find a remedy for you.

Memcached is a straightforward, yet robust distributed memory caching system, that caches information and objects in the RAM. By doing this, the database–stored information on your site will not need to be requested every time a website visitor opens up the exact page.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–caching as opposed to HTTP queries

If you have content–loaded active sites with lot’s of visuals and also movies, you will definitely need to make sure that your web pages stream fast for your website visitors. A great tool you have available is the Varnish HTTP acceleration application that will help you speed up your sites without requiring that you have any specific technical knowledge.

Varnish caches all demands to the web server with the server RAM and ships the web pages swiftly to the customer by making unnecessary fresh requests to the hosting server. That way, the web pages on your site are going to be opened 300 – 1000x times more speedily for your website visitors. You can even select whether the incoming calls will be dealt with by Varnish, or by the server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


Generate scalable applications effortlessly

Node.js provides an up–to–date encoding program for creating flexible apps and web sites in record time. It could be used for just about everything – from dealing with API queries, streaming documents plus parsing email messages to transforming photos, music files, videos and office docs.

It is using the Google V8 JavaScript engine and additionally makes use of an event–driven, non–blocking I/O pattern that makes it light and productive. Additionally, Node.js features a sizeable loyal community that creates steady updates to the platform and is also constantly in a position to aid.

Hepsia File Manager